Replacing a Current Server

Backup the Old Server

Zentyal does not provide a program option or document a command for performing a demand backup. Backup all user data along with the server configuration at menu selection CORE ‣ System ‣ Backup, by setting a new time for a full backup to happen starting on the next hour. [1]

Install the New Server


Instructions require using a Command Line Interface (CLI), which is accessed by one of the following:

  1. ssh: From a workstation running either Linux or Apple OS-X, open a command line and start a terminal session on the server with the command:

    ssh admin1@
  2. console: Connect keyboard, mouse, and video monitor to the server. Login on the console and open a terminal session there.

Use the Mac mini Server Connections documentation to connect and manage the new server.

Connect old backup drive

If the new server uses a new backup drive, disconnect the new backup drive and connect the backup drive from the old server. Open a command line as described in the note above, then download shell script and run the script with the commands:

wget -P ~/
sudo ~/

Restore configuration, data

In a web browser, login to Zentyal server management at Select Core ‣ System ‣ Backup ‣ Services Restore from the menu to restore the system configuration, then use Restore Files to restore backed up data.

Reconnect new backup drive

To reconnect a new backup drive, wait a minute after activity finishes, then disconnect the old drive used for data transfer. Connect the new drive, and reconfigure it with the terminal command:

sudo ~/

[1]Zentyal backup procedures documentation.