Installation Instructions


These instructions are based on the Zentyal 5.0 LTS developer edition. Some directions may be out of order or wrong, haaving been written for previous Zentyal versions. Zentyal 5.0 is based on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS.

Purpose and Requirements

This document is a quick guide to configuring hardware and installing a Zentyal office server which may then be registered for support with the AAltSys VPN.

Before starting this procedure, you should have the following information:

{Domain}:              __________________________________
{Hostname}:            __________________________________ (____server)
{Username}:            __________________________________ (admin1)
{Password}:            __________________________________
{Registration number}: __________________________________
{Activation code}:     __________________________________
{Administrator email}: __________________________________

Some of this information can be found at https:\ For servers used as LAN peers instead of network gateways, additional information is required:

{Static IP address}:   __________________________________
{Netmask}:             __________________________________
{Gateway}:             __________________________________
{DNS server1}:         __________________________________
{DNS server2}:         __________________________________

Hardware Configuration

Connect the computer components and network cables as described in the hardware documentation, or as required for the specific hardware you are using.

If your server is intended as a gateway computer, connect the primary Ethernet port eth0 to your Internet gateway or WAN, and the secondary port eth1 to your local LAN. If your server will operate only as a file server on a local LAN, connect eth0 to your LAN, set it to internal, and leave other network ports unconnected.

Installing Zentyal

Power on the computer, and boot from the Zentyal Install DVD.


A function key press such as [F8] or [F12], or holding down alt/option on the Mac mini Server, may be required to select the boot device.

Installer options

  • For Refind booting to DVD, select Boot Legacy OS from whole disk volume

  • Press <Enter> at selection English to choose the installer language default: English.

  • Choose the second option on the Installation menu, Install Zentyal x.x.x-development (expert mode).

  • Make the following selections, or press <Enter> for defaults:

    Selection name Default Suggested action
    Language English press <Enter>
    Country United States press <Enter>
    Detect keyboard No press <Enter>
    Country of keyboard English (US) press <Enter>
    Keyboard layout English (US)
    press <Enter> or,
    select English (Macintosh)

Configure the Network

  • Choose the Primary Network Interface, enter the fully-qualified host name, and setup the site administrator user.


    Use your site hostname and domain in the following entry, not “{hostname}” and “{domain}”. hostname and domain cannot be changed on fully configured systems.

    Selection prompt Recommended entry or action
    Primary Network Interface eth0: ... (PC)
    either {hostname}.local
    or {hostname}.local.{domain}
    or {hostname}
    or :kbd: aaltsysserver for local’
    Administrator username admin1 (if registering with AAltsys)
    Password {password}
    Use weak password? Yes
  • The network should configure using DHCP. If DHCP does not work, switch ethernet port selections. If that fails, fix your network connection.

Configure the Clock

  • Verify that the displayed timezone, such as America/Chicago, is correct for your physical location. Otherwise, enter No to pick your timezone from a list.

Partition disks (BIOS RAID)


For Mac, skip this section and continue at Partition disks (Mac). These instructions apply to custom-built PCs with BIOS RAID on the motherboard.

  • Answer the following questions:

    Installation prompt Response
    Activate serial ATA RAID devices? <Yes>
    Partitioning method Guided, use entire disk
    select the disk to partition Serial ATA RAID, isw——-aaltsys
    ... partition for boot loader code? <Yes>
    Write the changes to disks? <Yes>

Partition disks (Mac)

* FIX FOLLOWING TO SHOW ESP, swap, OS partitions *

  • If asked to unmount partitions that are in use, answer No.

  • Select Partitioning method as Manual.

  • Partition drive nnnn (0.0.0) (sdb) for installation, creating partitions for EFI boot, swap, and ext4 ZENTYAL as shown following:

    Area Size Flags Type Label Mount
      ??? MB   FREE SPACE    
    #1 250 MB B F EFIboot EFI system p ...  
    #2 16.0 GB F swap   swap
    #3 remainder F ext4 ZENTYAL /
      ??? MB   FREE SPACE    
  • Select Finish partitioning and write changes to disk after each partition is defined.


  • The ZENTYAL partition does not have to be set bootable, as rEFInd will act as boot manager.
  • Zentyal’s Boot code goes in the EFI partition and MBR FREESPACE on sdb to avoid interfering with Refind’s EFI on sda.
  • At the prompt Write changes to the disks?, Enter <Yes>.

Finish Installation

Answer these questions, each of which involves installation activity:

Question Answer
Proceed installation without graphical environment? <No>
HTTP proxy information (blank for none): (blank) <Continue>
Device for boot loader installation: sdb <Continue>
Is the system clock set to UTC? <Yes>

When the installation finishes, remove the install media and press <enter> to reboot the system.