############################# Earlier Server Versions ############################# AAltSys Server 10.07 ============================= This server series requires the following commands, usually from an ssh console session, to upgrade the server. SSH Console Commands ----------------------------- Add AAltSys and zentyal ppa:: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aaltsys/10.07 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zentyal/2.0 Fix admin1 group membership:: usermod -G __USERS__ admin1 Update server packages:: byobu sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ^D Install packages:: sudo aptitude install lftp mc AAltsys Server Hardware BIOS ============================= Use the following links to review BIOS settings for old (that is, obsolete) motherboards once used for AAltsys servers: :ref:`bios-p5bv-c` :ref:`bios-x9scm-o` :ref:`bios-fi90hd` :ref:`bios-955x7aa`