.. _installoffice: ########################## Office File Sharing ########################## This article describes activities in the **Office** section of the left menu. .. Note:: This section presents tasks in dependency order, so that each section is visited only once. Printer Sharing ========================== Zentyal uses CUPS, or Common Unix Printing System, to define network printers and share them through the server. To begin, make a list of network-attached printers, their manufacturers, models, and IP addresses. Then open Zentyal by one of the following approaches: + On the host console, open a Firefox session at :kbd:`https://localhost` + At a local workstation, browse to address :kbd:`https://__hostname__` + At a local workstation, browse to address :kbd:`` Go to :menuselection:`Office --> Printer Sharing`, and make sure that the ``Listen`` checkbox is checked for each active interface, as shown following. .. image:: _images/office_45.1_printersharing.png .. Note:: The CUPS web interface can be displayed only in the local network. Therefore only local workstations or the server console can administer CUPS. The browser may present a certificate warning the first time you use CUPS. Accept this certificate; it is perfectly safe to do so. This certificate is issued from your local server for use by the server. + Press :kbd:`` to open a new browser tab. + Enter the web address :kbd:`` + If required, follow your browser's instructions to add a security exception. .. note:: Zentyal 2.2: Below :guilabel:`Printer Sharing`, click the link to the :guilabel:`CUPS Web Interface`. This displays the CUPS interface. + Press the :menuselection:`Administration` menu label. + In the CUPS authentication message, enter your Zentyal administrator username and password. .. image:: _images/office_45.2_cups.png + In section :guilabel:`Server`, check the boxes for :guilabel:`Share printers connected to this system` and for :guilabel:`Allow remote administration`. + Click ``Change Settings``. These options are shown following: .. image:: _images/office_45.3_cups_server.png + In section `Printers`, click :kbd:`Add Printer` to enter a new printer queue. .. image:: _images/office_45.4_cups_printer.png Adding printers in CUPS is inherently similar to adding printers in any OS: select the connection, the printer manufacturer, the printer model, and any settings specific to the printer installation. As such, this process is not described further here. Check the **Sharing:** :guilabel:`Share this printer` box when saving a printer setup. This allows the printer queue to be used from other workstations as a SAMBA share. Once all printers are defined, close the CUPS tab and return to Zentyal. .. image:: _images/office_45.5_cups_share.png .. note:: We recommend that all shared printers be defined as network printers shared from the server. Also, for enhanced security, these printers may be connected on the WAN side of the network and then accessed by LAN computers through server queues. -------------------------- User Template ========================== By default, Zentyal limits the size of user shares. In the :menuselection:`Office --> Users and Computers --> User Template` section, either (1) change the :guilabel:`Default user quota` to :kbd:`Disabled`(Pictured here), or (2) Change the quota to :kbd:`0` (unlimited). Then click :kbd:`Change`. .. image:: _images/office_41_template.png LDAP Settings ========================== In the LDAP module :guilabel:`PAM settings`: + Set the :guilabel:`Default login shell` to :kbd:`bash` + Click the :guilabel:`Enable PAM:` checkbox to turn on PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) + Click :kbd:`Change`. .. image:: _images/office_42_ldap.png On the Zentyal top bar, click ``Save Changes`` and then click the ``Save`` button to record your changes. Users ========================== From each network workstation, make a list of each username and the corresponding password which is used on the workstation. Make sure that each username is unique to a single person and has exactly one password. Replace system-names such as USER, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR with actual person-names or office role-names (payclerk, manager, etc.). In Zentyal, select :menuselection:`Office --> Users and Computers --> Manage` on the menu. Use the :guilabel: Plus Icon to add each network user on the server. .. image:: _images/office_39.1_adduser.png Once all the users are added, they will all display in the users list. Note that your initial administrative user is not on the list, as shown below. .. image:: _images/office_39.2_users.png .. hint:: For file sharing users, click ``Add`` after entering names and passwords. For administrative users, click ``Add and Edit``, then check the box for ``Administration rights`` and click ``Change``. If any user is entered in error, click the ``Edit`` icon on the user's line. Then click the ``Delete user`` button to remove the user. Similarly, edit a user to add or remove administration rights, or to change group memberships. .. image:: _images/office_39.3_administer.png .. note:: Maybe it is a bug, but user directories are not removed when users are deleted. Groups ========================== Once all users are entered, select :menuselection:`Office --> Users and Groups --> Groups`. Enter a group :kbd:`fsusers` and a group :kbd:`admins`, as shown here. .. image:: _images/office_40.1_addgroup.png Click ``Add and edit`` to complete the group information. For the ``fsusers`` group, click the green plus sign in order to add each user to the users in group list. .. image:: _images/office_40.2_groups.png .. note:: there is currently a new interface for access control, the access control instrunctions coming soon. File Sharing ========================== Open the :menuselection:`Office --> File Sharing` link on the left menu. With the :guilabel:`Shares` tab, and then click ``+ Add new`` to setup new file shares. Enter a :guilabel:`share name`, a :guilabel:`share path`, and a descriptive :guilabel:`comment` for a share, and then click ``Add`` to create the share. The following image shows share ``backup`` being added. .. warning:: DO NOT check Apply ACLs recursively when adding a new share .. image:: _images/office_44.2_shares_new.png .. note:: Most file shares will be defined with :guilabel:`Share path:` ``Directory under Zentyal``. As shown, the ``backup`` share is an exception to this rule. Once shares are defined, Access Control entries must be set for each share. Entries for groups ``Users`` and ``Admins`` are permitted at this time. Click the :guilabel:`Access control` button next to a share, and then click ``+ Add new`` to add a permission. Next to :guilabel:`User/Group`, press the dropdown button and choose ``Group``, then press the dropdown to set the group name. At :guilabel:`Permission`, press the dropdown and set permissions for the selected group. The settings to add ``Group`` ``fsusers`` to the :guilabel:`public` share with ``read and write`` permissions are illustrated following. .. image:: _images/office_44.3_shares_acl.png Click ``Save Changes`` in the Zentyal title bar and confirm the save when all shares are defined. Your file sharing server is ready for service. .. note:: We usually setup a general public share for documents, a share reserved for application data, and a share where backups are written.